Sunday, April 17, 2011

Abduction - Coming September 23, 2011

Director - John Singleton

Main Characters
Nathan - Taylor Lautner
Karen - Lily Collins
Mara - Mario Bello
Dr. Bennett - Sigourney Weaver
Frank Burton - Alfred Molina

In the upcoming movie Abduction we see another star risen out of The Twilight Saga, Taylor Lautner taking steps past his first major role.

When I first read the short synopsis for this movie on it reminded me very much of a book that I loved reading when I was around 13 or 14 called The Face on the Milk Carton. It tells the story of a high-school girl, who after stealing a carton of milk from a friend in the cafeteria, sees her own baby picture on the missing person's side of the carton. From there begins her journey to finding out that the people who she had been calling mom and dad were in fact her grandparents who were raising their daughter's little girl. Then she finds out that her 'parents' were not even her grandparents, as they believed, but that their troubled daughter had kidnapped a child from a shopping mall over a decade ago, and told her parents the baby girl was her own.

But on further exploration, and viewing the trailer, I've discovered that the Lautner movie, although starting with a similar story line, branches off very quickly into something more sinister and action packed. After a classmate finds Nathan's picture on a missing person's website, (how far we've come from milk carton pictures) the story quickly accelerates. His so called parents are obviously working for some secret agency, Maria Bello playing Mara, Nathan's mother, shows some considerable butt kicking abilities in the trailer when the police show up at the 'family' home to ask about her son.

From there, its apparent that nothing is as it seems, as Nathan goes on the run from Frank Burton, played by Alfred Molina, while trying to piece together the real picture of his now shattered life. Dr. Bennett shows up somewhere along the way played by Sigourney Weaver, claiming she was a friend of Nathan's father, his real father.

Burton, the man that seems solely responsible for tracking down Nathan even calls him 'an asset' at one point. My guess is some kind of genetic engineering as a baby? It would explain how a person that seemed to be nothing more than a normal teenager, if feeling some what awkward and out of place in his life, so yeah, a normal teenager, suddenly sheds all the confusion of finding out nothing in his life is real and turns in to the kicking, fighting, fast driving action hero of his own life.

I guess we'll see how it goes. The story line seems solid, with enough mystery to draw one in, and with several other well respected, if more mature names in the cast, I'm not especially concerned that the acting will be lacking. I'm going to have to go into this movie at a completely neutral position and decide how I feel after I see it.


  1. This movie looks like it would be a really good movie. I can't wait to see it.

  2. I can not wait to see the movie!

  3. Looks like a Bourne rip off to me!

  4. It does remind me of the Bourne movies, but who cares? The Bourne movies are awesome so what's wrong with more of a good thing? It looks like it would be different enough story to not be considered a rip off of Bourne. Looks like this movie has good potential. I don't care for the Twilight crap, but I won't hold that against Lautner. This is a totally different character than that.

  5. Last summer, their were some rumors about a movie being shot in and around my area and that Taylor Lautner was going to be in it. I didn't believe them at first because another movie (which turned out to be 'I Am Number Four') was being shot at almost the same time as this one, but in a different part of Pittsburgh. The plot line seems interesting and nothing like that Twilight crap, 'A teenage human meets a vampire and they fall in love and this movie is mainly about how important it is to have a boyfriend.' I don't know: the trailer lured me in but I'll have to wait and see the reviews a couple of days after it premieres to see if it's actually worth spending 20 bucks on.

  6. The movie isn't even out yet, this is what's called a PREVIEW not a review. GET IT STRAIGHT! You can't give a movie a rating before you've even seen it.

  7. I wish I could swear about this film...

  8. I've never head of the director before, but automatically don't have respect for him because he decided his teenage girl audience was more important than anything else, and decided to cast taylor lautner as the main character. The premise seems pretty good, but just from watching the trailer, Lautner's acting isn't phenomenal, and he seems to carry the same facial expression throughout a majority of the film. Like someone above said, I'll have to wait and see the reviews in the days following it's release to see if it's worth watching.

  9. Are you never heard of JOHN SINGLETON...before...IMBD him he has some awesome movies under his belt...hopefully this is one of them. Time will tell.

  10. Hello there,

    Would love to swap links with your blog.
    Let me know at mymoviezdb(at)gmail(DOT)com
    Kind regards

  11. i cant wait for it to come out. i really dont like taylor lautner but i guess i can suffer through to see the action. my sister only wants to see and has agreed to take me because of lautner and it really annouse me. is it sept. 23 yet?

  12. I have seen it, it is very standard and teen influenced for the first 20 minutes. From there the action builds, not really like the Bourne films, but the action and the lead star will give it something else, although the action seen on the train was well choreographed. The ending in by the numbers.

  13. First I am not a teenage girl. I am an adult and am drawn to this movie by thThe director. I am not a borne fan not to say they are bad. I have seen the trailer for this movie an it looks good. Thats all i can say before i actualy see it. althou the book that you spoke about was made into a tv movie (I didnt even know it had been a book, I'll have to read it).
    It stars Kellie Martin and is titled The face on the milk carton.

  14. Okay so you're an adult right?
    Check your grammar next time before trying to act all big.

    The film looks pretty decent, I've got to agree with the comment about his facial expression though, his face never seems to change.

  15. Does anyone actually think Lautner will ever be in a GOOD quality movie. Not a popular one, one that would EVER actually contend for any awards, ever. This movie looks like kaka, as per usual.

  16. Horrible movie, kid sounds 12
