Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger

So, after seeing Thor, my expectations for this movie admittedly came way down, and I'm glad they did, because if they had stayed as high as they were, I would have been really disappointed.

Like Thor, Captain America was nothing more than an origin story setting up for the Avengers movie. I guess I would say it was a decent movie, but a great stand alone movie? I'd have to say no.

Chris Evans gave a typical performance, not bad or lacking in any way, but typical.

I was probably most impressed with the cg used to make Evans look like a scrawny kid, AND how much he bulked up for the version of him after the procedure.

Unfortunately, I don't have much to say about this movie. I was what I was expecting, no more, no less.

I'm hoping that them corners cut on Thor and Captain America will be made up in the Avengers movie.